Saturday, 17 November 2012

under your nose

1home misc 059

"Under Your Nose"

"All possible versions of your reality already exist.

In fact, they are all here

- right under your nose -

right Here, right Now.

However, most of these versions are invisible to us, and they become visible only when we tune ourselves (via our beliefs), to be compatible and resonant with the frequencies of any one particular version.

Furthermore, since Time is only a local illusion that does not really exist, everything you ever hope to become or attain, you have already become and attained.

If it's invisible to you, that's only because your beliefs do not yet have you vibrating in a manner that is synchronous with those versions.

You contain it ALL - all possible versions.

And all these here/now versions are in various states of visible/invisible for you, depending on your beliefs relative to any particular version.

You see and objectively experience the versions that are synchronized with how you are vibrating, and it's your beliefs at any given moment that determine how you are vibrating."


Photo taken yesterday in my sandbox

more sandbox photos

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