Saturday, 17 November 2012

I just found this elsewhere; I had forgotten about the Sherlock Holmes guy! Who is the mysterious Eggleton with the enigmatic chuckle?

Eggs of Ease & Eggleton

19th September, 2007

Last night I was 'channeling Eggleton' in a meditation, and at the exact same time, Franci was reading a magazine in a coffee shop and noticed an article written by a man called Eggleton.

hhmm, I didn't make many notes! Before JimC's meditation, we were chatting about eggs, (and I can't remeber why), while we were listening to the Kuthumi chanelling online. Eggs do seem to pop up often, like the egg-timer direct hit remote view (I had the egg-timer, Franci got the direct hit); and the Eggs of Ease (a Patelish guy in a meditation offered me a tray of cakes, and when I chose one with a poached egg design in the icing he said 'Eggs of ease', meanwhile Franci was uncharacteristically ordering 'scrambled' eggs at the time); and the continuing story of the dragon eggs.....

...anyway, I was drifting off during the meditation, and heard a voice saying (among other things I can't recall) "...but you still doubt..." and then everything got really bright like a bright light had been switched on in a dark room, and the voice said "The doubt comes BEFORE the pain. You are not noticing" (referring to when my back crashes; I had sort of been thinking the doubt came AFTER the pain, the pain caused me to doubt...rolling along fine and then back ache and THEN the doubts...yes ok bit slow lol); and then I asked who he was and got EGGLETON and an image of a man looking a bit like Sherlock Holmes......and a bit of a chuckle....

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