Saturday, 17 November 2012


It was a beautiful drive up the mountains to Rachel's BBQ last night, the dry landscape glowing gold in the evening sun, the whitewashed castle topped villages glowing against the dark mountains ~ what a beautiful place to live! From the ridge at the top of Gaucin, you could see mountains behind mountains on the north African coast, behind a shimmering strip of heat haze over the water. All the drive up there I was thinking of KC and wondering about all this 'communicating in energy' and wondering how I could ever be really sure, without a validation in words, or some kind of conversation to 'prove' it, if we really were communicating in energy. Well, I know we do it all the time, but so far for me, it's not as defined as communicating in words. I was thinking to myself, I know when I am communicating in energy with KC for example, but how will I know if she received it? So then I thought to myself, well there will be a sign, I'll see something and just know. I just happened to glance at the clock and it was 8:57, coincidentally right at the spot where I saw the sundog last year.

On that trip up to Salitre last year, I'd been talking to KC before we set off, and invited her to come with me, out of body. Now KC, for those of you who don't know her, is always talking about colours. She says things like 'sending all my colours!" and things like that. Well, when we got to the top of the ridge at Gaucin, we drove round a bend in the road and I saw it! The most amazing sundog! It was a huge rippled rainbow of colours, and I shouted "OH MY GOD IT'S A SUNDOG", and Darren swerved a bit saying "What! What!" and then rolled his eyes when I said it was a cloud thing.

When I got home I told KC about the sundog, and then it was her turn to say "OH MY GOD!" She said she had projected to Salitre, and imagined herself flying in the sky up there dripping colours off the end of her fingers. I didn't know beforehand she was going to be doing that, but I saw the colours in the sky!

Well, I thought that was just awesome. I googled sundogs afterwards and found they are quite rare and that certain conditions, such as the sun being 57 degrees from the horizon and so on, are necesary for sundogs to happen.

So, back to yesterday, I had decided that I would see a sign as a validation that KC had received my energy communication. As we turned down the Salitre road,


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