Sunday, 23 December 2012
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Patel, pop ins, time travel
Time Travellers, Time Meddlers, and Pop Ins | for everyone |
Opan session 2512 Timebridgers (preliminary snip)
(Note how "expand your horizons in discovering other beings in your universe." fits in with the latest group session.)
ELIAS: Let me offer you an example. Presently in this time framework there is considerable movement and there is a considerable push so to speak that is occurring throughout your world. Now this push is quite directly associated with this shift. Now in this push there is considerable motivation for change but there is also considerable resistance and this is creating a thickness and it is creating friction but that friction is in actuality presently very purposeful for it is a strong element of a process that you are engaging globally to change significant manifestations in your world; one in relation to economy and one in relation to environment. Now these frictions and motivations together are creating a process that incorporates tremendous potential and is already in process of actualizing this tremendous potential to not merely be creating alternative energy expressions and significant alterations in economies but it is also setting in motion tremendous potentials for significant new creations or inventions to allow you tremendous more expansion which will include more space travel which will expand your horizons in discovering other beings in your universe. Now this is a tremendous potential and it is directly associated with this shift and the process of this shift and in this as a hypothetical example it would be creating difficulty and perhaps even potential for tremendous trauma if an individual from the future were to insert themself in this time framework and gain attention and rise up in a manner of speaking to alter what you are collectively creating now to move yourselves into that new discovery. It would rob you of your own potentials, your own discoveries and it would cheat the time framework.
JEREMY: Who are most time travelers in our present time frame or previous are probably more like tourists, is that what you're saying? Or if in a way of being in guise or disguised and keeping a low key, not tourists as far as gaining attention but just here to see the scenes.
ELIAS: Yes you are correct. And I would express that at times individuals have encountered them and have seen them and they incorporate those encounters in their beliefs and their perception as angels.
JEREMY: Was that guy that me and my mom, which this could be just another homeless guy, but me and my mom and my sister went to McDonald's and got a bunch of free food for him, was he a time traveler? Because my mom and sister are so convinced that he was an angel.
JEREMY: He was a time traveler?
JEREMY: Do I know him? Like I didn't know him at the time but do I know him now?
JEREMY: Does he know me?
ELIAS: Yes he is aware. I would express that they may appear in many many different forms but generally speaking in many time frameworks individuals interpret them as being angels. They are quite solid they are quite real they are quite present. They can guise themselves in many many many different manners. They may appear to be business individuals they may appear to be homeless individuals they may appear to be average but there is a quality that you will notice that is curious, that you cannot entirely explain to yourself and therefore you create the association that the individual is otherworldly so to speak.
JEREMY: So did that guy, at the time of that meeting, did he know me at that time or did he become aware of me afterward, like my identity.
ELIAS: After.
JEREMY: Gotcha.
ELIAS: And there are many reasons individuals may choose to be incorporating this action in curiosity but more so generally speaking they incorporate specific directions so to speak, specific subjects that they are exploring or specific actions that they want to accomplish without disturbing.
In another manner I will express to you as I have many times previously and you are aware, your science fiction is more closely associated with science fact than you know and there are individuals that recognize that some meddling so to speak has occurred and it affects their time framework and they choose to incorporate this action to recreate the original probability.
JEREMY: So they change things, oh, so you're saying they as individuals know that separate individuals create a meddling so they go back to change things back to the way they were before.
JEREMY: Gotcha, interesting. Alright, have I met any future tourist folks other than Mr. Rius and this homeless guy like people who knew me when they approached me?
ELIAS: Not yet.
JEREMY: Not yet, gotcha. So goin' back to this guy to clarify he found out about my identity afterward you said. In what capacity? like 'cause I was a kid back then so I don't know if..
ELIAS: I am understanding but what I would clarify to you; when they encounter other individuals they note that and they will avail themselves of information as to each individual that they encountered.
JEREMY: Ok, so he cataloged me that's how he found out, ok.
ELIAS: Yes. For they do note all of their encounters, this is one of the aspects of being careful.
JEREMY: Gotcha.
ELIAS: To ensure that their actions are not rippling in a manner that will create suggestions or alterations that do not belong in that time framework.
(Note how "expand your horizons in discovering other beings in your universe." fits in with the latest group session.)
ELIAS: Let me offer you an example. Presently in this time framework there is considerable movement and there is a considerable push so to speak that is occurring throughout your world. Now this push is quite directly associated with this shift. Now in this push there is considerable motivation for change but there is also considerable resistance and this is creating a thickness and it is creating friction but that friction is in actuality presently very purposeful for it is a strong element of a process that you are engaging globally to change significant manifestations in your world; one in relation to economy and one in relation to environment. Now these frictions and motivations together are creating a process that incorporates tremendous potential and is already in process of actualizing this tremendous potential to not merely be creating alternative energy expressions and significant alterations in economies but it is also setting in motion tremendous potentials for significant new creations or inventions to allow you tremendous more expansion which will include more space travel which will expand your horizons in discovering other beings in your universe. Now this is a tremendous potential and it is directly associated with this shift and the process of this shift and in this as a hypothetical example it would be creating difficulty and perhaps even potential for tremendous trauma if an individual from the future were to insert themself in this time framework and gain attention and rise up in a manner of speaking to alter what you are collectively creating now to move yourselves into that new discovery. It would rob you of your own potentials, your own discoveries and it would cheat the time framework.
JEREMY: Who are most time travelers in our present time frame or previous are probably more like tourists, is that what you're saying? Or if in a way of being in guise or disguised and keeping a low key, not tourists as far as gaining attention but just here to see the scenes.
ELIAS: Yes you are correct. And I would express that at times individuals have encountered them and have seen them and they incorporate those encounters in their beliefs and their perception as angels.
JEREMY: Was that guy that me and my mom, which this could be just another homeless guy, but me and my mom and my sister went to McDonald's and got a bunch of free food for him, was he a time traveler? Because my mom and sister are so convinced that he was an angel.
JEREMY: He was a time traveler?
JEREMY: Do I know him? Like I didn't know him at the time but do I know him now?
JEREMY: Does he know me?
ELIAS: Yes he is aware. I would express that they may appear in many many different forms but generally speaking in many time frameworks individuals interpret them as being angels. They are quite solid they are quite real they are quite present. They can guise themselves in many many many different manners. They may appear to be business individuals they may appear to be homeless individuals they may appear to be average but there is a quality that you will notice that is curious, that you cannot entirely explain to yourself and therefore you create the association that the individual is otherworldly so to speak.
JEREMY: So did that guy, at the time of that meeting, did he know me at that time or did he become aware of me afterward, like my identity.
ELIAS: After.
JEREMY: Gotcha.
ELIAS: And there are many reasons individuals may choose to be incorporating this action in curiosity but more so generally speaking they incorporate specific directions so to speak, specific subjects that they are exploring or specific actions that they want to accomplish without disturbing.
In another manner I will express to you as I have many times previously and you are aware, your science fiction is more closely associated with science fact than you know and there are individuals that recognize that some meddling so to speak has occurred and it affects their time framework and they choose to incorporate this action to recreate the original probability.
JEREMY: So they change things, oh, so you're saying they as individuals know that separate individuals create a meddling so they go back to change things back to the way they were before.
JEREMY: Gotcha, interesting. Alright, have I met any future tourist folks other than Mr. Rius and this homeless guy like people who knew me when they approached me?
ELIAS: Not yet.
JEREMY: Not yet, gotcha. So goin' back to this guy to clarify he found out about my identity afterward you said. In what capacity? like 'cause I was a kid back then so I don't know if..
ELIAS: I am understanding but what I would clarify to you; when they encounter other individuals they note that and they will avail themselves of information as to each individual that they encountered.
JEREMY: Ok, so he cataloged me that's how he found out, ok.
ELIAS: Yes. For they do note all of their encounters, this is one of the aspects of being careful.
JEREMY: Gotcha.
ELIAS: To ensure that their actions are not rippling in a manner that will create suggestions or alterations that do not belong in that time framework.
posted here:
Timebridgers & Glass Hour:
session 1642:
FRAN: Anyway, what it brought back was the whole experience I had of meeting you at
Barnes & Noble – my "Bookstore Elias"…
FRAN: …and you were saying that in her [Myranda's] session that, well, I'll
just read it:
"…that has been quite momentarily because it is requiring such a concentration
of energy. But that energy is recognized by other individuals and translated
through their perception, and thusly the individual may project the actual
physical manifestation of my energy and their encounter with that physical
expression may be projected, in your terms, for much longer of a time framework
than I am actually manifesting."
Does that relate to my experience of meeting you in the bookstore?
FRAN: Okay, I've been curious about the mechanics of that. I was with a couple
of other people and I would like to know whether they perceived you as well.
FRAN: They did?
FRAN: But, what were you perceived as, to them?
ELIAS: Merely as another individual.
FRAN: As another… were they seeing the same individual that I was seeing?
ELIAS: Somewhat different.
FRAN: Anyway, what it brought back was the whole experience I had of meeting you at
Barnes & Noble – my "Bookstore Elias"…
FRAN: …and you were saying that in her [Myranda's] session that, well, I'll
just read it:
"…that has been quite momentarily because it is requiring such a concentration
of energy. But that energy is recognized by other individuals and translated
through their perception, and thusly the individual may project the actual
physical manifestation of my energy and their encounter with that physical
expression may be projected, in your terms, for much longer of a time framework
than I am actually manifesting."
Does that relate to my experience of meeting you in the bookstore?
FRAN: Okay, I've been curious about the mechanics of that. I was with a couple
of other people and I would like to know whether they perceived you as well.
FRAN: They did?
FRAN: But, what were you perceived as, to them?
ELIAS: Merely as another individual.
FRAN: As another… were they seeing the same individual that I was seeing?
ELIAS: Somewhat different.
Arkandin on the Charlie Chaplin Pop In
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:31:46): Arkandin tell us about the time traveller inthe charlie chaplin movie
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:31:53): hahahhahaha
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:32:17): is it a "recent" sts pop in?
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:32:30): this footage within the clip of the
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:32:31): or a time traveller actually on the movie
set at the time?
Jean-Baptiste DURET (30/10/2010 12:32:47): lol TP
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:33:34): (I love that it was a circus and Beyond
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:33:45): is in actuality created within
yourselves specifically in order for yourselves to become aware of the
possibility to incorporate the awareness of a time traveller
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:34:05): that within this specific footage the
individual is a pop in
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:34:24): aha! and he popped in recently, as it were,
not in 1928
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:34:32): however, this individual is not on what
you are calling a mobile phone
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:34:32): ?
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:34:38): oh!
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:34:39): but it is similar
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:34:42): what is it?
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:34:48): within technology within your timeframe
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:35:03): as a communication device
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:35:03): so who is he?
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:35:22): with that big E behind him I am thinking
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:35:25): this individual is not actually holding
this device to their ear
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:35:54): the individual is attempting to
re-establish connecting, experiencing difficulty within the communication
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:36:21): who is he communicating to? oh, us?
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:37:43): this individual did pop-in within that
time frame
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:38:12): and the identity of the individual? it
looked like a man
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:38:13): and in actuallity more footage will be
discovered not just within the Charlie Chaplin films
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:38:20): but other older films
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:38:20): oooooh!
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:38:47): for you are becoming more aware of the
reality that is there is no time
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:39:20): so the question of what time did the pop in
pop in is a moot point really
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:39:24): that you may focus your attention upon
a specific time frame and create the ability to project your energy and insert
your focus within that time frame
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:39:53): you are all aware of experiencing
pop-ins however you have not allowed yourself to consider pop-ins throughout
time as you are aware of time
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:40:06): ah good point
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:40:09): the individual is not Elias
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:40:16): anyone we know?
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:40:20): however there is some connection with
that energy
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:40:25): ah
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:40:47): indeed this is a male energy
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:40:54): whats the difference then between a time
traveller and a pop in?
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:41:34): is a pop in a non physical energy and a time
traveller a focus popping in?
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:41:36): the time frame that this energy
projected to was from 2107
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:41:47): wow! interesting!
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:42:09): indeed a pop-in is non physical
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:42:35): will often incorporate projecting their
energy through another physical energy within that time frame
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:42:59): speaking of pop ins, was the guy in the
bright orange suit in the busy metro in Paris, just after Dawn and Mark left us,
another Patel pop in?
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:43:03): time traveller will shift his energy or
their energy to be physically incorporated within that time frame
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:43:24): ok! thanks
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:43:42): there are times that a pop-in has an
appearance that is not quite complete so to speak
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:44:45): yes this was indeed PAtel
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:45:02): I dont even know why I asked, it was pretty
obvious! I love that
Jean-Baptiste DURET (30/10/2010 12:45:04): (nice )
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:45:12): haha
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:45:25): can everyone in the metro see that pop in,
awan_dawn (30/10/2010 12:45:28): only for you though T
awan_dawn (30/10/2010 12:45:38): no one else saw him
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:45:38): Jib and Eric didn't see him
Jean-Baptiste DURET (30/10/2010 12:46:19): I confirm we didn't see him
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:46:22): as a time traveller being physical then
they are able to make themselves be aware to all the energies that are
incorporated within that specific time frame
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:46:36): as a pop-in generally the awareness is
to self only
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:47:24): there are times where there are
specific individuals within your awareness to you that there is a connection to
the pop=in then these other energies are also aware of the pop-in
awan_dawn (30/10/2010 12:47:37): as when you pop-in and Elain/Brian saw you
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:47:56): Jib saw the other Patel pop in
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:48:02): within this movie clip all energies are
able to view this energy as a time traveller
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:48:30): however of course in alignment with
your beliefs you may translate this imagery as you so choose
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:48:31): hahahhaa
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Secrets of the Ancients part 2
Secrets of the Ancients ~ Kris/Brahm |
BRAHM: All of the ancient cultures that you are aware of and so many others that you may never historically know of, all of which you would consider ancient cultures and civilizations, all have another trait in common: their utilization of, and even their reverence of, working with dreams in one way or another. Even of the ancient cultures that you are aware of whose remnants you can still find and read about, all of these that you may sometimes casually refer to as somewhat primitive, held dreams in high esteem indeed.
Does this mean because your own culture may consider dreams as a pathological safety valve of some kind, that those ancient cultures that worked with their dreams and did not understand the pathologies involved must have been primitive indeed to be so gullible as to think they could have gotten messages from the Gods and Goddesses in those dreams; that they would have set up temples to explore and research and make use of dreams that they would have set up philosophies about them? Indeed, it may seem that some of your historical ancestors in that sense might have been somewhat less cultured and civilized than yourselves. And we believe that in that vein, this may be a very accurate depiction, correct?
Our contention, as humble as it is, may indeed reflect the opposite. This does not mean that ancient cultures and civilizations had streets filled with Saints and enlightened individuals. On the contrary, they had their own challenges, as you do, but the one aspect of over a third of their existence is not considered a source of innate danger. This occurs in YOUR present culture and civilization and if you notice, your own civilization has its fair share of challenges, many of which can be considered pathological and even psychotic, correct?
Now we are not speaking about choices and preferences at all in this observation. We are merely making an observation about the state of your culture and civilization, and we are making a direct link with this in line with your culture's discounting and denigration of dream work, dream research, dream exploration as it stands. Does this make sense to you?
We also are aware that many of the therapies offered in your culture, psychotherapy, psychology, psychoanalysis, psychiatry and so on and so forth, to one small degree make use of dreams with advice for patients, but the perspective is that often the therapist hopes to find in his or her client’s or patient’s dreams, clues to that patient's psychosis as opposed to the clues that reveal the healing and nurturing that this individual is working through and sorting out. Does this also make sense?
We are offering to you that the very basic assumption that your dreams are also as valid as any activity, subjective or objective on your part, is as valid as anything else that you undertake, any other action and that the dream atmosphere itself can be highly revelatory to your understanding of selfhood and may even assist you in discovering more than you have ever believed possible before. We believe it was last summer when Kris presented material on Idea-Atmospheres and Idea-Complexes. Is this correct?
MARK: Yes.
BRAHM: Indeed then. Understand that so far your perspective has been that the world, for example, is the result of a concept. However, your own personalities and that which gives birth to that personality is itself an idea atmosphere and you, all of you lovely selves, are representations of various idea complexes and you work out a large part of your understandings through dream states. This is where, in the dream state, this is where you can truly get to know yourselves in a far wider perspective than your own focus as Expression of Essence. And that original idea atmosphere, where you have your own Being, is directly linked to your dream states. Does this make sense?
The ancient Greeks fashioned some of their views upon ancient Egyptian methodologies. Both cultures had an understanding that the Gods and Goddesses communicated with mortals, with the individual, more often than not through the venues of the individual's dreams. Messages and communiqués were exchanged through dreams. These ancient folks also had an innate understanding of symbolism. Compared to your modern perspective, it seems that these ancient cultures were truly superstitious, imbued with religiality since they had so many Gods and Goddesses, Demi-Gods, and so on and so forth, as did the ancient Vedics.
That is only from your prejudiced perspective. It is quite possible that these ancient folks, these ancient people, had an understanding that particular Gods and Goddesses represented unique aspects of life and aspects of their own selves, something that your present culture seems to have misplaced and interpreted in a different fashion. However, these ancient cultures had specific temples dedicated to the communications from the deities to the individuals.
And those in specific need entered those temples for the purpose of communicating more directly with the deities, or if you prefer, their inner selves, in such a manner that those stewards of those temples, often referred to as priests or priestesses, would work with the individuals, utilizing auto-suggestion and other tools at their disposal to entice the individual to open their minds in such a manner that communications through dreams would become very clear, though it revealed to the individual that which they need to know, even to the healing of the physical body when there was need for it.
And such temples and resources were quite common throughout that part of the ancient world. Your present culture has no such equivalent, for many in your culture believe, if anything, dreams are something to pre-occupy the brain when you sleep, perhaps as a means to keep from going insane. But you could learn a tremendous amount of information by establishing or re-establishing similar centers in your present culture. Now we are not saying that you must now go and open up healing dream centers throughout the world!
But you may begin by creating that kind of a sanctum within your own Source, within your own subjective awareness, giving yourselves certain suggestions that may indeed lead to deeper understandings of yourselves. Now the last suggestion concerning the Bridge of Aaronii is one such tool, but after break we would like to describe more tools that you may use quite practically and from there see that your own perspectives are indeed widening by and because of your own self-discoveries. Does this make sense?
More here:
Does this mean because your own culture may consider dreams as a pathological safety valve of some kind, that those ancient cultures that worked with their dreams and did not understand the pathologies involved must have been primitive indeed to be so gullible as to think they could have gotten messages from the Gods and Goddesses in those dreams; that they would have set up temples to explore and research and make use of dreams that they would have set up philosophies about them? Indeed, it may seem that some of your historical ancestors in that sense might have been somewhat less cultured and civilized than yourselves. And we believe that in that vein, this may be a very accurate depiction, correct?
Our contention, as humble as it is, may indeed reflect the opposite. This does not mean that ancient cultures and civilizations had streets filled with Saints and enlightened individuals. On the contrary, they had their own challenges, as you do, but the one aspect of over a third of their existence is not considered a source of innate danger. This occurs in YOUR present culture and civilization and if you notice, your own civilization has its fair share of challenges, many of which can be considered pathological and even psychotic, correct?
Now we are not speaking about choices and preferences at all in this observation. We are merely making an observation about the state of your culture and civilization, and we are making a direct link with this in line with your culture's discounting and denigration of dream work, dream research, dream exploration as it stands. Does this make sense to you?
We also are aware that many of the therapies offered in your culture, psychotherapy, psychology, psychoanalysis, psychiatry and so on and so forth, to one small degree make use of dreams with advice for patients, but the perspective is that often the therapist hopes to find in his or her client’s or patient’s dreams, clues to that patient's psychosis as opposed to the clues that reveal the healing and nurturing that this individual is working through and sorting out. Does this also make sense?
We are offering to you that the very basic assumption that your dreams are also as valid as any activity, subjective or objective on your part, is as valid as anything else that you undertake, any other action and that the dream atmosphere itself can be highly revelatory to your understanding of selfhood and may even assist you in discovering more than you have ever believed possible before. We believe it was last summer when Kris presented material on Idea-Atmospheres and Idea-Complexes. Is this correct?
MARK: Yes.
BRAHM: Indeed then. Understand that so far your perspective has been that the world, for example, is the result of a concept. However, your own personalities and that which gives birth to that personality is itself an idea atmosphere and you, all of you lovely selves, are representations of various idea complexes and you work out a large part of your understandings through dream states. This is where, in the dream state, this is where you can truly get to know yourselves in a far wider perspective than your own focus as Expression of Essence. And that original idea atmosphere, where you have your own Being, is directly linked to your dream states. Does this make sense?
The ancient Greeks fashioned some of their views upon ancient Egyptian methodologies. Both cultures had an understanding that the Gods and Goddesses communicated with mortals, with the individual, more often than not through the venues of the individual's dreams. Messages and communiqués were exchanged through dreams. These ancient folks also had an innate understanding of symbolism. Compared to your modern perspective, it seems that these ancient cultures were truly superstitious, imbued with religiality since they had so many Gods and Goddesses, Demi-Gods, and so on and so forth, as did the ancient Vedics.
That is only from your prejudiced perspective. It is quite possible that these ancient folks, these ancient people, had an understanding that particular Gods and Goddesses represented unique aspects of life and aspects of their own selves, something that your present culture seems to have misplaced and interpreted in a different fashion. However, these ancient cultures had specific temples dedicated to the communications from the deities to the individuals.
And those in specific need entered those temples for the purpose of communicating more directly with the deities, or if you prefer, their inner selves, in such a manner that those stewards of those temples, often referred to as priests or priestesses, would work with the individuals, utilizing auto-suggestion and other tools at their disposal to entice the individual to open their minds in such a manner that communications through dreams would become very clear, though it revealed to the individual that which they need to know, even to the healing of the physical body when there was need for it.
And such temples and resources were quite common throughout that part of the ancient world. Your present culture has no such equivalent, for many in your culture believe, if anything, dreams are something to pre-occupy the brain when you sleep, perhaps as a means to keep from going insane. But you could learn a tremendous amount of information by establishing or re-establishing similar centers in your present culture. Now we are not saying that you must now go and open up healing dream centers throughout the world!
But you may begin by creating that kind of a sanctum within your own Source, within your own subjective awareness, giving yourselves certain suggestions that may indeed lead to deeper understandings of yourselves. Now the last suggestion concerning the Bridge of Aaronii is one such tool, but after break we would like to describe more tools that you may use quite practically and from there see that your own perspectives are indeed widening by and because of your own self-discoveries. Does this make sense?
More here:
Secrets of the Ancients ~ Kris part 1
Secrets of the Ancients ~ Kris/Brahm Part 1 |
Kris/Brahm: As the title for this evening implies, "The Secrets of the Ancients," we will be discussing a variety of perspectives of more ancient cultures as well as various technologies and perhaps delve into the very subject matter and topic of "ancient" and what that may mean. And to your immediate eyes, quite certainly images and ideas of old civilizations and cultures have already made themselves known to you, giving you a mild hint of some of the subject matter to be discussed, perhaps even in more than one evening.
As you may or may not be aware, your world and civilization [that] you participate [in] and help create is definitely not the first or the only civilization to cultivate technologies in the ways that you have and your civilization is not the first and by this we also take into consideration what you take to mean older civilizations. Perhaps you make a mental reference to the ancient Greeks and the Romans, the Egyptians, Assyrians, Acadians, Sumerians, Babylonians, perhaps you even take into consideration the ancient civilization of the Hindus Valley, Bharata, the Vedas, etc.
But it may even surprise you that your planet has seen a far greater number of civilizations come and go than your historians would ever admit to, and many of these various very older civilizations have left artifacts, some small and some not so small, in various parts of the world. And in many areas new discoveries are constantly coming to the light of study. Many of these ancient cultures have had their own versions of technological achievements, some that even surpassed your own present culture, even though some of these older, ancient civilizations have been without expression for many thousands of years.
And many of the artifacts and findings from these older cultures are not yet understood so they lie in the bottom of drawers in many museum basements, sometimes in the homes of collectors of ancient artifacts in private collections, and many still are undiscovered awaiting a sufficiently enlightened culture for them to be re-discovered in a manner of speaking. You think, for instance, that it is only your civilization that has discovered X-rays, lenses, dental work in the manner of your modern dentists and dentistry, surgery, electricity, mathematics, and so on.
And yet there are many such discoveries being made concerning the items mentioned and many more that pre-date your present culture by sometimes as much as three, four and five thousand years, which would indicate, in a manner of speaking, that those ancient artifacts and tools also took a long time to develop, as long as your own present modern tools have taken a long time to develop, which implies that some of these older civilizations had been working on these instruments for quite some time in the development of THEIR history.
And as we have mentioned in the past, it is often difficult for modern historians, archeologists and other scientifics to allow that some of these tools and instruments predate your own similar inventions by several thousands of years as if up to a certain point in ancient history these items are not supposed to be where they are. And since these bits of evidence and facts do not necessarily fit in the theories, they are assigned to those older historical periods. They are often relegated to ‘file 13’, or labeled as something else, or sometimes either destroyed, or there is a consensus to say that nothing exists, in spite of certain evidence.
And we mention these things because each of you listening in on this session or reading this transcript, as well as many others who may not be physically present at all, have participated in one way or another in these older displays of achievements and civilizations with many of you continuing the exploration in different circumstances and conditions within this lifetime. But above and beyond this we also wish to mention that for what many of you consider superstitions, myths, tall tales from older cultures of an apparent time when things were more MAGICAL, so to speak. Of a time when, from your perspectives, it is sometimes considered that these older cultures did not understand science as you know it today.
We do wish to mention that there indeed have been many periods where what you would call ancient civilizations functioned on an entirely different base of knowledge and information, where completely different understanding of physics as you know them were quite acceptable in such terms even that some of these would make no sense to you today, because you are accustomed to one specific mindset, whether it is global or localized. And even your notions of ancient cultures, ancient civilizations is slightly biased and prejudiced in perceptions with your modern worldviews and official line of consciousness.
Now we are not saying that everything, every old story and myth was necessarily true in the terms you understand it from your modern perspective, but many of these old ancient legends and stories indeed made a great deal of sense to those who operated within the parameters of these other times. And to you, it may seem that your age of scientific enlightenment and discovery is so far the greatest achievements of all civilizations; yet your age of scientific exploration and discovery, from our perspective is another kind of experiment or exploration, utilizing a different set of mental physics and rules, molding and shaping your perceptions within given sets of parameters quite unlike other civilizations that you would normally qualify as being in the past, since you see yourself as the future of these older cultures and civilizations.
But that is, again, only a perception and we believe it is important to explore and keep this in mind when looking at any other civilization that you automatically assume exists in the past, as it were. And you also keep in mind that perhaps a thousand, five thousand, ten thousand years into the future as it were, your entire sets of achievements and discoveries may themselves be classified perhaps in the same light as YOUR present perspective classifies the differences, the discoveries and the achievements of your ancestral foundations in that way.
And herein lays one of the keys. You may give some due consideration to the idea that you work with beliefs. Your life, your reality, your physical realm is the by-product of your collective and singular beliefs, but you need to develop an appreciation for the temporal nature of your journey through time and space. The ancient Vedics called material nature the illusion of Maya, or simply illusory nature, meaning simply that it is temporal, and not permanent... Non-temporal.
What IS truly non-temporal is the knowledge that it is your combined singular and collective point of concentration that generates a specific model and version of physical reality with all of its pros and cons as a conscious, mindful and deliberate experimentation on one type of line of consciousness. And in your view, it is referred to as the official line of consciousness; but even this is temporal. But within the temporal nature of this experimentation, there are hints, indeed, of things, for lack of a better word, that transcend the temporal nature of the world.
You are already aware of color as one of those intrinsic, eternal truths. We have some time ago hinted that there is another. We referred to it as soundlets. And in your reality this is expressed as various kinds of sounds, and quite specifically, musical sounds which, in terms of music, is something that is found within all cultures presently or anciently. And this is why in some respects; human beings enjoy expressing themselves through music to such a degree. (Pause) Not only in your present civilization, but all your past civilizations as well, and it will continue into what you can only surmise as being the development of future civilizations.
Now, as we have hinted at earlier, there is a very specific collective mindset within your civilization and this is one of the other keys that will be explored as the evening develops. What you can truly refer to as "ancients" have always understood. They speak of knowledge that collectives come together with a specific mindset, a collective purpose that is related to another discussion of ours from previous weeks in terms having access to your many minds and intelligences.
And just as on your biosphere, on your planet, remnants of ancient cultures are found stratified in different layers of soil, so do you have many different layers of minds and intelligences all operating very nicely and congruently within your own psyches, layered and laid out in such a fashion that it is possible, with practice, with determination and patience, to actually explore those inner domains, those inner layers of intelligences and inner civilizations within your own psyches. This is something that can be explored, but will not work for you if you expect that within the next five minutes you will gain access.
Another intrinsic proof that pierces the temporal nature of your physical world is dreams and dream states. All human beings, past, present and future, to one degree or another, must sleep and must dream for a variety of reasons. And dream states can be developed and utilized even from the waking perspective for extraordinary explorations and the cultivation of knowledge. And we must be clear here: we make a marked distinction between the gathering of information, information the likes of which is in clear abundance at all levels of your present society, sometimes merely for the sake of information itself. We do not consider this to be knowledge. You may know a thing, you may have knowledge of a thing, but it may not mean that you HAVE knowledge.
And then there are two distinctions of knowledge. There is knowledge that is akin to the types of information that permeates your modern society, the kind of knowledge cultivated with the mindset of the ancient Greeks, knowledge about the temporal manifestations of the world, which is a fine species of knowledge all on its own.
There is also another clearly distinct type of knowledge also often considered a worthy pursuit by the ancient Greeks and many of the older civilizations before them; This, a more wide-spread type of knowledge, and a more ancient one, which is called "knowledge of SELF", "SELF" all in capital letters, which must include the type of knowledge that distinguishes itself with temporal affairs and mere information for the sake of information.
It integrates these two within its matrix because it is part of the pursuit of SELF-knowledge, because it is created by SELF. When a society becomes fixated on the accumulation of information and makes that it’s base of knowledge only and loses sight of that which creates the information, then your society is to a certain degree, diminished. It loses touch with its own essential nature which transcends the temporal attributes information and the knowledge of things and how things work.
So our tendency is to affiliate with SELF-KNOWLEDGE. This is also an extremely important foundational truth and cannot be arrived at merely through the accumulation of information or the knowledge of things and how things work. This type of self-knowledge has fueled and motivated many of the greater civilizations, many of which have come and gone, but the knowledge of which is still embedded within your own psyche, your own selves.
More here:
As you may or may not be aware, your world and civilization [that] you participate [in] and help create is definitely not the first or the only civilization to cultivate technologies in the ways that you have and your civilization is not the first and by this we also take into consideration what you take to mean older civilizations. Perhaps you make a mental reference to the ancient Greeks and the Romans, the Egyptians, Assyrians, Acadians, Sumerians, Babylonians, perhaps you even take into consideration the ancient civilization of the Hindus Valley, Bharata, the Vedas, etc.
But it may even surprise you that your planet has seen a far greater number of civilizations come and go than your historians would ever admit to, and many of these various very older civilizations have left artifacts, some small and some not so small, in various parts of the world. And in many areas new discoveries are constantly coming to the light of study. Many of these ancient cultures have had their own versions of technological achievements, some that even surpassed your own present culture, even though some of these older, ancient civilizations have been without expression for many thousands of years.
And many of the artifacts and findings from these older cultures are not yet understood so they lie in the bottom of drawers in many museum basements, sometimes in the homes of collectors of ancient artifacts in private collections, and many still are undiscovered awaiting a sufficiently enlightened culture for them to be re-discovered in a manner of speaking. You think, for instance, that it is only your civilization that has discovered X-rays, lenses, dental work in the manner of your modern dentists and dentistry, surgery, electricity, mathematics, and so on.
And yet there are many such discoveries being made concerning the items mentioned and many more that pre-date your present culture by sometimes as much as three, four and five thousand years, which would indicate, in a manner of speaking, that those ancient artifacts and tools also took a long time to develop, as long as your own present modern tools have taken a long time to develop, which implies that some of these older civilizations had been working on these instruments for quite some time in the development of THEIR history.
And as we have mentioned in the past, it is often difficult for modern historians, archeologists and other scientifics to allow that some of these tools and instruments predate your own similar inventions by several thousands of years as if up to a certain point in ancient history these items are not supposed to be where they are. And since these bits of evidence and facts do not necessarily fit in the theories, they are assigned to those older historical periods. They are often relegated to ‘file 13’, or labeled as something else, or sometimes either destroyed, or there is a consensus to say that nothing exists, in spite of certain evidence.
And we mention these things because each of you listening in on this session or reading this transcript, as well as many others who may not be physically present at all, have participated in one way or another in these older displays of achievements and civilizations with many of you continuing the exploration in different circumstances and conditions within this lifetime. But above and beyond this we also wish to mention that for what many of you consider superstitions, myths, tall tales from older cultures of an apparent time when things were more MAGICAL, so to speak. Of a time when, from your perspectives, it is sometimes considered that these older cultures did not understand science as you know it today.
We do wish to mention that there indeed have been many periods where what you would call ancient civilizations functioned on an entirely different base of knowledge and information, where completely different understanding of physics as you know them were quite acceptable in such terms even that some of these would make no sense to you today, because you are accustomed to one specific mindset, whether it is global or localized. And even your notions of ancient cultures, ancient civilizations is slightly biased and prejudiced in perceptions with your modern worldviews and official line of consciousness.
Now we are not saying that everything, every old story and myth was necessarily true in the terms you understand it from your modern perspective, but many of these old ancient legends and stories indeed made a great deal of sense to those who operated within the parameters of these other times. And to you, it may seem that your age of scientific enlightenment and discovery is so far the greatest achievements of all civilizations; yet your age of scientific exploration and discovery, from our perspective is another kind of experiment or exploration, utilizing a different set of mental physics and rules, molding and shaping your perceptions within given sets of parameters quite unlike other civilizations that you would normally qualify as being in the past, since you see yourself as the future of these older cultures and civilizations.
But that is, again, only a perception and we believe it is important to explore and keep this in mind when looking at any other civilization that you automatically assume exists in the past, as it were. And you also keep in mind that perhaps a thousand, five thousand, ten thousand years into the future as it were, your entire sets of achievements and discoveries may themselves be classified perhaps in the same light as YOUR present perspective classifies the differences, the discoveries and the achievements of your ancestral foundations in that way.
And herein lays one of the keys. You may give some due consideration to the idea that you work with beliefs. Your life, your reality, your physical realm is the by-product of your collective and singular beliefs, but you need to develop an appreciation for the temporal nature of your journey through time and space. The ancient Vedics called material nature the illusion of Maya, or simply illusory nature, meaning simply that it is temporal, and not permanent... Non-temporal.
What IS truly non-temporal is the knowledge that it is your combined singular and collective point of concentration that generates a specific model and version of physical reality with all of its pros and cons as a conscious, mindful and deliberate experimentation on one type of line of consciousness. And in your view, it is referred to as the official line of consciousness; but even this is temporal. But within the temporal nature of this experimentation, there are hints, indeed, of things, for lack of a better word, that transcend the temporal nature of the world.
You are already aware of color as one of those intrinsic, eternal truths. We have some time ago hinted that there is another. We referred to it as soundlets. And in your reality this is expressed as various kinds of sounds, and quite specifically, musical sounds which, in terms of music, is something that is found within all cultures presently or anciently. And this is why in some respects; human beings enjoy expressing themselves through music to such a degree. (Pause) Not only in your present civilization, but all your past civilizations as well, and it will continue into what you can only surmise as being the development of future civilizations.
Now, as we have hinted at earlier, there is a very specific collective mindset within your civilization and this is one of the other keys that will be explored as the evening develops. What you can truly refer to as "ancients" have always understood. They speak of knowledge that collectives come together with a specific mindset, a collective purpose that is related to another discussion of ours from previous weeks in terms having access to your many minds and intelligences.
And just as on your biosphere, on your planet, remnants of ancient cultures are found stratified in different layers of soil, so do you have many different layers of minds and intelligences all operating very nicely and congruently within your own psyches, layered and laid out in such a fashion that it is possible, with practice, with determination and patience, to actually explore those inner domains, those inner layers of intelligences and inner civilizations within your own psyches. This is something that can be explored, but will not work for you if you expect that within the next five minutes you will gain access.
Another intrinsic proof that pierces the temporal nature of your physical world is dreams and dream states. All human beings, past, present and future, to one degree or another, must sleep and must dream for a variety of reasons. And dream states can be developed and utilized even from the waking perspective for extraordinary explorations and the cultivation of knowledge. And we must be clear here: we make a marked distinction between the gathering of information, information the likes of which is in clear abundance at all levels of your present society, sometimes merely for the sake of information itself. We do not consider this to be knowledge. You may know a thing, you may have knowledge of a thing, but it may not mean that you HAVE knowledge.
And then there are two distinctions of knowledge. There is knowledge that is akin to the types of information that permeates your modern society, the kind of knowledge cultivated with the mindset of the ancient Greeks, knowledge about the temporal manifestations of the world, which is a fine species of knowledge all on its own.
There is also another clearly distinct type of knowledge also often considered a worthy pursuit by the ancient Greeks and many of the older civilizations before them; This, a more wide-spread type of knowledge, and a more ancient one, which is called "knowledge of SELF", "SELF" all in capital letters, which must include the type of knowledge that distinguishes itself with temporal affairs and mere information for the sake of information.
It integrates these two within its matrix because it is part of the pursuit of SELF-knowledge, because it is created by SELF. When a society becomes fixated on the accumulation of information and makes that it’s base of knowledge only and loses sight of that which creates the information, then your society is to a certain degree, diminished. It loses touch with its own essential nature which transcends the temporal attributes information and the knowledge of things and how things work.
So our tendency is to affiliate with SELF-KNOWLEDGE. This is also an extremely important foundational truth and cannot be arrived at merely through the accumulation of information or the knowledge of things and how things work. This type of self-knowledge has fueled and motivated many of the greater civilizations, many of which have come and gone, but the knowledge of which is still embedded within your own psyche, your own selves.
More here:
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
A Psychic Manifesto ~ Jane Roberts
"A Psychic Manifesto"
My life is its own definition.
So is yours.
Let us leave the priests
to their hells and heavens,
and confine
the scientists
to their dying universe
and accidentally created stars.
Let us each dare
to open our dream's door,
and explore
the unofficial thresholds,
where we begin.
Let us refuse to be defined
as sinful selves
or creatures of a blighted species,
and instead
dare to recognize
within our dreaming hides
the grace of mental animals,
in which soul and flesh
are intermixed
with a natural alchemy;
so that awake, we dream,
and dreaming, wake,
life and death alike,
with an inner knowledge
that confounds
the dreary ministers
and scientists.
The flesh needs no absolution.
Its cells are innocent
as gods,
whose hidden
divine multiplications
compute our smallest acts.
How many eons did it take
for our cells to learn
since they are microscopic structures,
minus brains,
and science would say,
lacking wit
or consciousness?
How did they learn
to construct
images of bone and blood,
choosing just the proper
that add up
to you and me?
I've yet to decipher
a fraction
of my body's knowledge,
though its molecular
allows me to write
this line.
These thoughts journey
through my brain
by ancient pathways
that I cannot claim,
as if my body's memories
predate its own time,
rising from miniature civilizations,
whose coded arts
set my life in motion
and are expressed
through who I am.
The facts of life
are the heart's events,
that persist
beyond measurements.
The heart deals
with dream equations that would dazzle a computer;
for the dreamer's
laboratory has no walls,
and his experiments
combine time and space
with a spontaneous knack
that defies
all formulas.
If hearts had to hold back
their beating,
until science proved
that life had meaning,
then we'd have
no life at all.
But the heart beats
giving its own evidence
of a life experiment
no technology
can duplicate;
and each beat comes
like the first-
singular, mysterious,
from sources
outside the grasp
of objective
Each birth is unofficial,
rising alike
from strands of love
to ancient vanished relatives,
and tied to a future, unknown self
who beckons
the dream-eyed fetus on
into life's bright scheme,
bravely daring unknown passageways
that lead
to life's threshold,
conscious cargo
from one universe to another.
You made that journey.
So did I.
All that we are was once
wrapped in a tissue
and coiled like onion skin,
with life's hieroglyphics.
Fingers and toes were
than decimals, yet alive.
And brains-to-be,
measuring less
than an inch,
each contained
all the ingredients we'd need,
to think these thoughts.
What perfect transistors,
growing their own
future parts!
How were they wired
when, as science says,
we're only a combination
of dumb elements,
come alive in a universe
formed by chance?
Some chance, that my hands
didn't keep growing more and more
fingers, but stopped at ten,
learning to count
before I did;
and that my neck knew
where my head should be
before my eyes
could even read
a book of
So let us dismiss
all modern or ancient myths
that tell us that our genes
are flawed by primal lust,
or worse,
cursed by a revengeful god;
so that the flesh is filled
with sin's contents,
overflowing with iniquity;
or that we are natural killers-
animals run amok,
caught between
our own jealous genes
and the uncaring stars,
a schizophrenic species,
whose most magnificent acts
are stamped with the mark of Cain
Let us look instead
to our direct experience,
and listen to the messages
that arise
in unofficial ways,
bypassing dictums
and theologies.
Let us begin
by trusting once again
the personal contact of self
with self,
and self with world.
Let us observe
the facts of heart
and mind alike,
and refuse to accept
any theories that deny
our own experience.
My life is its own definition.
So is yours.
Our consciousness is
Are dreams not facts,
when each and every nighttime skull
is filled to its
nocturnal brim
with a commotion of images
to be found there,
and nowhere else
isolated from the world
like a master experiment?
But no one watches
or makes notes.
Then let us collect
our own dream species,
wander among vast
unexplored dream elements,
and discover for ourselves
those inner worlds
where mind and will are born
and merge,
and descend from dreams'
wild hilltops.
I have opened time's window
not just once,
but often,
catching just a glance
of tomorrow's evidence
before it was due;
and so have many others,
surprising some hour
before its time.
And just one such clue
is enough
to shatter all philosophies
that say we're stuck
like flies
in a jar of time.
So let us forsake
our ancient documents
and communes.
Leave the statues of the gods
to their plaster-of-paris parks,
and let the scientists
count invisible particles,
themselves away.
Let us run
from doom's prophets,
whatever names they bear,
and let them sputter
of catastrophes alone-
waiting the world's end
(huddled, the survivors-to-be wait in the worried air).
But hold the world
to your mind's ear,
and hear
the victorious roar
of life's waves
splashing against the shores
of mind and sense;
bursting tumultuously
from sources
echoed in our dreams,
as the images
of our desires
into the swell
of space and time.
Jane Roberts
"The God of Jane"
Friday, 23 November 2012
From a Seth class in 1974:
SETH: All languages are built upon alphabets, and those alphabets are what is left over, for beneath those alphabets are, what in Sumari we call cordellas, which are the source of alphabets. The shapes of letters are indeed important, and on different levels they represent something else. In different ways, you are being told this in Sumari, and even in some of Ruburt’s poetry, when he hints at fossiling.
The symbols for cordellas and alphabets are not only written in ancient rock for your archeologists so nicely and neatly to discover, they are written in your blood. There is a connection, for example, between shape of viruses and of cells and those seemingly ancient symbols that you find written in the rocks. And that is my clue for you."
"In your work with me, various kinds of teaching methods will be provided. Steps and bridges will be used.
It is senseless to ask whether or not a bridge is true. It exists. It gets you somewhere. A bridge is a valid reality, regardless of its architecture to the type of symbols that maybe written upon it, or its color, or the material from which it is made. The Sumari language is a bridge and valid in those terms. it will lead you into the use of the inner senses, away from the confining nature of pet phrases and familiar language that is already loaded with its own connotations.
The Sumari language is a bridge, then, in those terms; a method of communication. It is the beginning of a logically unstructured vehicle that will carry you, hopefully, into the inner heart of perception. I hope that eventually it will allow you to experience more fully the inner cognizance that is beneath physical perception and physical translation.
A bridge serves both coming and going, and carries goods in both directions. The Sumari language in those terms will be used as a method of carrying you further into the nature of inner cognizance, and then allowing you to return again, retranslating what you have learned, but not automatically, into stereotyped verbal patterns. The language will effectively block the automatic translation of inner experience into stereotypes, therefore. ~ Seth
Adventures in Consciousness
Jane Roberts
SETH: All languages are built upon alphabets, and those alphabets are what is left over, for beneath those alphabets are, what in Sumari we call cordellas, which are the source of alphabets. The shapes of letters are indeed important, and on different levels they represent something else. In different ways, you are being told this in Sumari, and even in some of Ruburt’s poetry, when he hints at fossiling.
The symbols for cordellas and alphabets are not only written in ancient rock for your archeologists so nicely and neatly to discover, they are written in your blood. There is a connection, for example, between shape of viruses and of cells and those seemingly ancient symbols that you find written in the rocks. And that is my clue for you."
"In your work with me, various kinds of teaching methods will be provided. Steps and bridges will be used.
It is senseless to ask whether or not a bridge is true. It exists. It gets you somewhere. A bridge is a valid reality, regardless of its architecture to the type of symbols that maybe written upon it, or its color, or the material from which it is made. The Sumari language is a bridge and valid in those terms. it will lead you into the use of the inner senses, away from the confining nature of pet phrases and familiar language that is already loaded with its own connotations.
The Sumari language is a bridge, then, in those terms; a method of communication. It is the beginning of a logically unstructured vehicle that will carry you, hopefully, into the inner heart of perception. I hope that eventually it will allow you to experience more fully the inner cognizance that is beneath physical perception and physical translation.
A bridge serves both coming and going, and carries goods in both directions. The Sumari language in those terms will be used as a method of carrying you further into the nature of inner cognizance, and then allowing you to return again, retranslating what you have learned, but not automatically, into stereotyped verbal patterns. The language will effectively block the automatic translation of inner experience into stereotypes, therefore. ~ Seth
Adventures in Consciousness
Jane Roberts
Eric's music dream reminded me of cordellas, which sounds kind of string-like (now Strings of Nines is the new Group Story, Circle of Eights is 'finished')
Thses pages are from Adventures in Consciousness by Jane Roberts. Coincidentally, the next chapter is about the writing of Oversoul Seven.
and these two pages are from Oversoul Seven by Jane Roberts
Villamartin Dolmen Script
Villamartin Dolmen Script | para Todos |
Quartz crystal prism, Transparent, slightly smoky, featuring hexagonal. It is a natural product formed by crystallization of igneous rocks, particularly pegmatites.
Length: 20 cm. Average thickness: 6.5 cm.
Neolithic (transition from V to IV millennium BC). Origin Alberite Dolmen, Villamartin, Cadiz.
auto translate:
This is one of the most interesting prehistoric province of Cadiz. The rarity of the material, from a distant area (possibly the Central System), and a burial deposit megalithic allow a number of considerations. It has a clear purpose and prestige undoubtedly linked to magical thinking, which attributed certain powers to the rare materials like this. It is little room available to communities, so that your deposit inside the dolmen of special veneration Alberite indicates that it was subjected. This piece has a number of problems of dating, connected with the chronology assigned to the dolmen Alberite by their excavators, J. Munoz and F. Ramos Giles Pacheco. These researchers have pointed to this chronology Neolithic megalithic tomb, which contrasts with the traditional date for this type of construction, set in the Bronze Age (third millennium BC). Recently, however, has been pointing toward a dating usually older than the megalithic constructions admitted to the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula.
Top photo, Oversoul 7, by Jane Roberts ~ Sumari cordellas
Other photos from this documentary about the dolmen at Villamartin, Cadiz:
and some more related ancient Iberian stuff:
Tanit ~ Iberians
via La Bitácora de Jenri
Tartessos o Tartéside (griego: Τάρτησσος, latín: Tartessus) fue el nombre por el que los griegos conocían a la primera civilización de Occidente. Heredera de...
Íberos-nuestra civilización antes de Roma. Exposición "La Caixa" A partir del s....
A small preview of the book ~ Georgeos Díaz-Montexano on the location of the legendary Tartessos.
via La Bitácora de JenriOur weekly magazine with news of Archaeology at Spain is ready:
ancient Iberian script:
Kev Wordblade Script
Saturday, 17 November 2012
It was a beautiful drive up the mountains to Rachel's BBQ last night, the dry landscape glowing gold in the evening sun, the whitewashed castle topped villages glowing against the dark mountains ~ what a beautiful place to live! From the ridge at the top of Gaucin, you could see mountains behind mountains on the north African coast, behind a shimmering strip of heat haze over the water. All the drive up there I was thinking of KC and wondering about all this 'communicating in energy' and wondering how I could ever be really sure, without a validation in words, or some kind of conversation to 'prove' it, if we really were communicating in energy. Well, I know we do it all the time, but so far for me, it's not as defined as communicating in words. I was thinking to myself, I know when I am communicating in energy with KC for example, but how will I know if she received it? So then I thought to myself, well there will be a sign, I'll see something and just know. I just happened to glance at the clock and it was 8:57, coincidentally right at the spot where I saw the sundog last year.
On that trip up to Salitre last year, I'd been talking to KC before we set off, and invited her to come with me, out of body. Now KC, for those of you who don't know her, is always talking about colours. She says things like 'sending all my colours!" and things like that. Well, when we got to the top of the ridge at Gaucin, we drove round a bend in the road and I saw it! The most amazing sundog! It was a huge rippled rainbow of colours, and I shouted "OH MY GOD IT'S A SUNDOG", and Darren swerved a bit saying "What! What!" and then rolled his eyes when I said it was a cloud thing.
When I got home I told KC about the sundog, and then it was her turn to say "OH MY GOD!" She said she had projected to Salitre, and imagined herself flying in the sky up there dripping colours off the end of her fingers. I didn't know beforehand she was going to be doing that, but I saw the colours in the sky!
Well, I thought that was just awesome. I googled sundogs afterwards and found they are quite rare and that certain conditions, such as the sun being 57 degrees from the horizon and so on, are necesary for sundogs to happen.
So, back to yesterday, I had decided that I would see a sign as a validation that KC had received my energy communication. As we turned down the Salitre road,
the red convertible
Just looked at the photo album that Opan (Captain Bridger of the Time Bridgers) posted of the photos from the Elias group session in Vermont this past weekend, whoa that red car! I wrote this yesterday:
"....and I've been toying with the idea of a dream vehicle all day, I seem to
have dreamed of a cartoony red convertible more than once..."
What a start to the day, this red car sync just blew me away! I was just about
to go back to bed to try and remember some dreams, but who needs to be alseep!
I saw a car like this in the Thames years and years ago, it was driving down the
river, and then drove out at Chiswick Eyot and drove off up the road. (Just
remebering that my plane flew low over Chiswick Eyot on my way to the Elias session
in Castaic a few years ago, there was a dream sync with that which I can't
After spotting Share's eu de nil (KC's involved in this somewhere!) retro dream
motor scooter in Gibraltar the other day (while I was stuck in traffic next to
the Eye of Horus sticker on the wall), and having just re read Jib's Tiles
article in Wisp in which he mentions his yellow bulldozer dream vehicle (which I
had a waking dreamsnapshot incident sync with at Salitre at the time), I'd been
thinking about my own dream vehicle and kept thinking of the red convertible
that turned up to pick me up for an out of body get together at the Castaic
Motel some time after my trip there.
There were a few red syncs yesterday too, with red pigments and cochineal,
(syncy with Share and the blue pigments) the alchemist legend of the red dye and
I just happened without planning it to visit the magical waters of the Genal
river of the legend yesterday without realizing the pigment sync until I got
home. To top it all off, my Timebriger focus Sophie had told me ages ago to
focus on red.
to go back to bed to try and remember some dreams, but who needs to be alseep!
I saw a car like this in the Thames years and years ago, it was driving down the
river, and then drove out at Chiswick Eyot and drove off up the road. (Just
remebering that my plane flew low over Chiswick Eyot on my way to the Elias session
in Castaic a few years ago, there was a dream sync with that which I can't
After spotting Share's eu de nil (KC's involved in this somewhere!) retro dream
motor scooter in Gibraltar the other day (while I was stuck in traffic next to
the Eye of Horus sticker on the wall), and having just re read Jib's Tiles
article in Wisp in which he mentions his yellow bulldozer dream vehicle (which I
had a waking dreamsnapshot incident sync with at Salitre at the time), I'd been
thinking about my own dream vehicle and kept thinking of the red convertible
that turned up to pick me up for an out of body get together at the Castaic
Motel some time after my trip there.
There were a few red syncs yesterday too, with red pigments and cochineal,
(syncy with Share and the blue pigments) the alchemist legend of the red dye and
I just happened without planning it to visit the magical waters of the Genal
river of the legend yesterday without realizing the pigment sync until I got
home. To top it all off, my Timebriger focus Sophie had told me ages ago to
focus on red.
Coincidentally! last night before I went to bed I put the crocodile I had an impulse to buy in Gibraltar with the Billy Johnson head and the Mimsey rabbit for some energy canoodling before the crocodile gets posted to Share ;)
I read Opan's post today saying: "TimeBridger activity is about to start up heard were there. :) I can't wait!!! :)"
The Billy Johnson Heads & The TimeBridgers:
Time Travel and The Last Mimsey
Tiles of the City and Jib's yellow bulldozer
The Alchemist and the Red Dye
Legend has it that there was a family of dyers in Moorish times that lived on the banks of the Genal river, and there made their exquisite crimson dyes. Their secret, it was said, was in the magic properties of the river water, from which they filled their wells. Their produce was sent to Cordoba, Granada and Malaga, and the magic formula remained in the hands of the dyer Abdesalam ben Arrabat, whose fame as an alchemist spread far and wide.
Yesterdays photos of the Genal waters
Share's Colour posts
Mayan Colours
Aztec Colours
the absinthe cafe
The Absinthe Cafe
2010 ~ 2016
Dawn and Mark had a bottle of Absinthe (the proper stuff with the WORMwood in it, which is illegal in France) but forgot to bring it.
Dawn and Mark had a bottle of Absinthe (the proper stuff with the WORMwood in it, which is illegal in France) but forgot to bring it.
Wandering around at some point, we chanced upon a cafe called Absinthe.
Sitting on the terrace, the waitress came up and looked right at me and said
"Oh you are booked to come here tomorrow night!"
and then said "Forget I said that".
Naturally that got our attention.
After we left Dawn spotted a kid with 2016 on the back of his T
shirt. We asked Arkandin about it and we have a concurrent group focus that does meet in that cafe in 2016, including Britta.
shirt. We asked Arkandin about it and we have a concurrent group focus that does meet in that cafe in 2016, including Britta.
Dawn's name is Isabelle Spencer, Jib's is Jennifer, I think I'm Eleanore and Britta is Cassandra, and Madison is there too I think...
the worm and the suitcase
The Worm & The Suitcase
2010 ~ 2163
I borrowed Rachel's big red suitcase for the trip and stuck a Time Bridgers
sticker on it, and joked before I left about the case disappearing to 2163. I
had an impulse to take a fig tree sapling for Eric and Jib, which did survive
the trip although it looked a little shocked at first. As Eric was repotting
it, we noticed a worm in the soil, and I said, Well, if the fig tree dies at
least you have the worm.
At Balzac's house on a bench in the garden there was a magazine lying there open
to an ad for Spain, which said "If you lose your suitcase it would be the best
thing because you would have to stay".
Later we asked Arkandin and he said that there was something from the future
inserted into my suitcase. I went all through it wondering what it could be,
and then a couple of days ago Eric said that it was the WORM! because of the
WORMwood absinthe syncs, and worm hole etc. I just had a chat with Franci who
had a big worm sync a couple of days ago, she particularly noticed a very big
worm outside the second hand shop, and noted that she hadn't seen a worm in ages
~ which is also a sync, because there was a big second hand clothes shop next to
Dawn and Mark's hotel that I went into looking for a bowler hat.
Arkandin said, by the way, that Jane Roberts did forget to mention the bowler hats in
OverSoul 7, those two guys on the balcony were indeed wearing bowler hats, and that
they were the same guys that were in my bedroom in the dream I had prior to
finding the Seth stuff ~ Elias and Patel.
the dream bean and the gameboard
The Dream Bean & The Game
Eric cracked open a special big African bean that is supposed to enhance
dreams/lucidity so we all had a bit of it. The second night I remembered a
dream and it was a wonderful one.
(Coincidentally, on the flight home I read a few pages of my book and it just
happened to be about the council of five dragons and misuse of magical beans)
In the dream I had a companion with magical powers, who I presumed was Jib but
it was myself actually. It was a long adventure dream of being chased and
various adventures across the countryside, but there was no stress, it was all
great fun. Everytime things got a bit too close in the dream, I'd hold onto my
friend with magical powers, and we would elevate above the "adventure" and drop
down in another location out of immediate danger ~ although we were never
outside of the adventure, so to speak. At one point I wondered why my magical
freind didn't just elevate us right up high and out of it completely, and
realized that we were in the adventure game on purpose for the fun of it, so why
would we remove ourselves completely from the adventure game.
The other dream snapshot was "we are all working together on roof tiles" and
Arkandin had some interesting stuff to say about that one.
dreams/lucidity so we all had a bit of it. The second night I remembered a
dream and it was a wonderful one.
(Coincidentally, on the flight home I read a few pages of my book and it just
happened to be about the council of five dragons and misuse of magical beans)
In the dream I had a companion with magical powers, who I presumed was Jib but
it was myself actually. It was a long adventure dream of being chased and
various adventures across the countryside, but there was no stress, it was all
great fun. Everytime things got a bit too close in the dream, I'd hold onto my
friend with magical powers, and we would elevate above the "adventure" and drop
down in another location out of immediate danger ~ although we were never
outside of the adventure, so to speak. At one point I wondered why my magical
freind didn't just elevate us right up high and out of it completely, and
realized that we were in the adventure game on purpose for the fun of it, so why
would we remove ourselves completely from the adventure game.
The other dream snapshot was "we are all working together on roof tiles" and
Arkandin had some interesting stuff to say about that one.
Balzac the cook returns
Balzac & The Cook Return
The trip to Balzac's house was interesting, although in somewhat unexpected
ways. (Arkandin was Balzac and I was the cook/housekeeper) The house didn't
seem "right" somehow to Mark (Mark channels Arkandin) and I, and we decided that was probably because
other than the desk there was no furniture in it. Mark saw a black cat that
nobody else saw that was an Arkandin pop in (panther essence animal), and Dawn felt that he was sitting on a chair, and Mark sat on him.
ways. (Arkandin was Balzac and I was the cook/housekeeper) The house didn't
seem "right" somehow to Mark (Mark channels Arkandin) and I, and we decided that was probably because
other than the desk there was no furniture in it. Mark saw a black cat that
nobody else saw that was an Arkandin pop in (panther essence animal), and Dawn felt that he was sitting on a chair, and Mark sat on him.
(Arkandin said yes he did sit on him ;)
The kitchen was being used as an office. Jib felt the house
was too small, and picked up on a focus of his that rented the other part of the
house. (The house was one storey high on the side we entered, and two storeys high from the road below).
was too small, and picked up on a focus of his that rented the other part of the
house. (The house was one storey high on the side we entered, and two storeys high from the road below).
There were two pop ins there apparently, one with
long hair which is a connection to my friend Joy who was part of that group
focus, and I can't recall anything about the other one, but it might be Robotman.
long hair which is a connection to my friend Joy who was part of that group
focus, and I can't recall anything about the other one, but it might be Robotman.
Dawn was picking up that Balzac wasn't too happy, and I was remembering the part in Cousin Bette that infuriated me when I read it, where he goes on and on about how disgusting it is for servants to expect their wages when their "betters" are in dire straits.
Arkandin confirmed that I didn't get my wages.
The garden was enchanting and had a couple of sphinx statues and a dead pigeon ~
as well as the magazine with the suitcase and Spain imagery.
The garden was enchanting and had a couple of sphinx statues and a dead pigeon ~
as well as the magazine with the suitcase and Spain imagery.
Mark signed the guest book "brought the cook back"
and I replied "no cooking smells this time".
vampires and pop ins
Vampires & Pop Ins
There were alot of vampire imagery incidents starting with me asking Eric if he
slept in his garden tool box at night, and then the guy who shot out of a door
right next to Jib and Eric's, in a bright orange T shirt, carrying a cardboard
coffin. He stopped for me to take a photo
slept in his garden tool box at night, and then the guy who shot out of a door
right next to Jib and Eric's, in a bright orange T shirt, carrying a cardboard
coffin. He stopped for me to take a photo
(and Arkandin said it was a Patel pop in);
then while walking through the outdoor food market someone was chopping a
crate up and a perfect wooden stake flew across the floor and landed at my feet.
crate up and a perfect wooden stake flew across the floor and landed at my feet.
The next vampire sync was a shop opposite Dawn and Mark's hotel with 3 coffins in the window.
I went back to take a pic of the cello actually (cello and violin syncs), didn't even notice the coffins. Inside the shop was an EAU DE NIL MOTOR SCOOTER Share, can you beleive it (dream sync) , and a mummy, a stuffed raven (Elias), and a row of (Tardis) Red phone boxes.
I saw another Patel pop in but nobody else saw him. We had just said goodbye to
Dawn and Mark at a very busy Metro station at rush hour (OMG bit of a shock
compared to Montenegral) and I was doing my utmost to keep sight of Jib and Eric
in the crowds and a man in an incredibly bright orange suit ~ a normal business
type suit in a shockingly bright light orange ~ walked past me. It was so
impossibly bright I was sure that Jib and Eric had seen him too but it was too
crowded to mention or take a photo. He had a flower in his lapel but I didn't
see his face. Only a pop in would wear a suit like that I am sure.
Dawn and Mark at a very busy Metro station at rush hour (OMG bit of a shock
compared to Montenegral) and I was doing my utmost to keep sight of Jib and Eric
in the crowds and a man in an incredibly bright orange suit ~ a normal business
type suit in a shockingly bright light orange ~ walked past me. It was so
impossibly bright I was sure that Jib and Eric had seen him too but it was too
crowded to mention or take a photo. He had a flower in his lapel but I didn't
see his face. Only a pop in would wear a suit like that I am sure.
Pistache Pastiche
The Trail of the Cornflowers
I went to bed at 9 to get up at 3:45am for plane on Tuesday night and I was woken up by the window blind falling to the floor ~ at 11:11. Earlier that day I had taken a photo of the cornflowers shadows on the window blind, and just before the trip Eric had said rather enigmatically "Follow the trail of the cornflowers"
I had an OOB while I was in Paris. I connected to one of Jib's moonstones and
Arkandin suggested it was an aid to OOB re: the druid connection Jib picked up
on, so I took it to bed with me ~ and fell out of bed ha ha, woke up on the
floor with a thud ;)) Out of Bed experience...
Arkandin suggested it was an aid to OOB re: the druid connection Jib picked up
on, so I took it to bed with me ~ and fell out of bed ha ha, woke up on the
floor with a thud ;)) Out of Bed experience...
There was ALOT of red imagery the whole trip, and I was wondering about Tomkin
at some point (D is fragmented from Tomkin) and when we got home from the
airport I noticed a walking stick hanging over our fence. D said he noticed
that it had been there the whole time I was away. (I think walking sticks is
Tomkin imagery)
Speaking of frags (no we didn't eat any frags legs in France), my Uncle John is fragmented from Baruch (they look so alike!). Interestingly, his
wife my aunt, who I haven't really spoken to in decades, has sent me
numerous Facebook messages about my Paris trip.
at some point (D is fragmented from Tomkin) and when we got home from the
airport I noticed a walking stick hanging over our fence. D said he noticed
that it had been there the whole time I was away. (I think walking sticks is
Tomkin imagery)
Speaking of frags (no we didn't eat any frags legs in France), my Uncle John is fragmented from Baruch (they look so alike!). Interestingly, his
wife my aunt, who I haven't really spoken to in decades, has sent me
numerous Facebook messages about my Paris trip.
The Flights
I wasn't all that keen on flying and procrastinated for ages about the trip. I
flew with EASYjet, so it was nice to see the word EASY everywhere.
I got on the plane to find that they don't allocate seats, and chose a seat right at the front on the left. The head flight attendant was extremely playful for the
whole flight, constantly cracking up laughing and teasing the other flight
attendants, who would poke him and make him laugh during announcements so that he kept having to put the phone down while he laughed. I spent the whole flight laughing and catching his mischeivously twinking eye.
I asked Arkandin about him and he said his energy was superimposed. I got on
the flight to come home and was met on the plane by the same guy!
whole flight, constantly cracking up laughing and teasing the other flight
attendants, who would poke him and make him laugh during announcements so that he kept having to put the phone down while he laughed. I spent the whole flight laughing and catching his mischeivously twinking eye.
I asked Arkandin about him and he said his energy was superimposed. I got on
the flight to come home and was met on the plane by the same guy!
I said
"HELLO! It's YOU again! Can I sit in the same seat and are you going to make me laugh again" and he actually moved the person that was in my seat and said I could sit there.
"HELLO! It's YOU again! Can I sit in the same seat and are you going to make me laugh again" and he actually moved the person that was in my seat and said I could sit there.
Then he asked me about my book (about magic and Napolean ~ Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrel, Susanna Clarke).
He also said that all his flights all week had been delayed except the two that I
was on.
was on.
He wanted to give me a card for frequent flyers but I told him I
usually flew without planes ~ that cracked him up ;))
usually flew without planes ~ that cracked him up ;))
Arkandin and the roof tiles dream
Tracy: The other little snippet of the dream of the night before was we were all working together on roof tiles. Is that a kind of sort of symbolic shelter like Maru and the dome symbology, not exactly a protection because we don't want to think in those terms so much, but a shelter for when we feel like we want a shelter, kind of thing?
Arkandin: There is that association yes, however you also associate tiles with experiences, that certain tiles represent to yourself specific aspects of how you incorporate in your reality those experiences the explorations within that. You are quite aware that you associate yourselves and incorporate creating the tiles, that the tiles that you drew yourself within the roof; that the roof is indeed a form of protection, a form of shelter to those that are underneath. So what you are doing within that dream is that you are creating through the tiles the interactions, that you are interacting with the people that you are sheltering underneath the roof. Each tile that you allow yourself to remember, to visualize, you'll notice that there is a difference within each tile, they are not all the same ~ they are formed with a difference of colour, with a difference in texture, that if you allow yourself to focus on the tiles, that within each tile that you focus upon, you shall be allowing yourself to allow the remembrance of what it is that you create within the association of that tile.
Tracy: Ok cos I kind of get a bit of a panic on with I'll never remember all these tiles! You know? And there's lots of them.
Arkandin: That is normal for within this reality, you create an overwhelmingness with the....
Tracy: Things to remember
Arkandin: Indeed yes, and in that overwhelmingness you create ............that in this case if you focus upon the tiles that formed the roof that the associations that you shall draw from that, that each individual tile is associated with how you interact, how you incorporate that interaction with the poeple that you interact with in your reality. The roof, in a manner of speaking, is the shelter that YOU create in order to associate how you interact with those individuals. The roof is encompassing protecting your beliefs and those specific individuals...
Tracy: I need to listen to that again because...
Jib: It's interesting
Tracy: It is interesting
Arkandin: There is considerable information in that specific dream that it can overwhelm you if I go into that with you in greater depth that I know you are searching for within this moment. However, what I offer to you is that you allow yourself to be remembering your dream, and if you are remembering the tiles that are associated with the roof that you have constructed.
Tracy: ok
Arkandin: It is YOUR roof, it is how you are sheltering the individuals that you interact with within this reality. Each tile is quite significant
Tracy: Specific tiles on my roof?
Arkandin: Indeed
Dawn: Does it tie in with her lily pad imagery?
Arkandin: Yes
Tracy: ahhh mmmm Well yes what you said about the lily pads was ability to float while still being connected
Dawn: Shelter
Tracy: AHHH! oooh mmmmm ahhhh
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