Sunday 16 December 2012

Patel, pop ins, time travel

Oct 31, '10 7:45 AM
for everyone
Patel Pop In
Opan session 2512 Timebridgers (preliminary snip)

(Note how "expand your horizons in discovering other beings in your universe." fits in with the latest group session.)

ELIAS: Let me offer you an example. Presently in this time framework there is considerable movement and there is a considerable push so to speak that is occurring throughout your world. Now this push is quite directly associated with this shift. Now in this push there is considerable motivation for change but there is also considerable resistance and this is creating a thickness and it is creating friction but that friction is in actuality presently very purposeful for it is a strong element of a process that you are engaging globally to change significant manifestations in your world; one in relation to economy and one in relation to environment. Now these frictions and motivations together are creating a process that incorporates tremendous potential and is already in process of actualizing this tremendous potential to not merely be creating alternative energy expressions and significant alterations in economies but it is also setting in motion tremendous potentials for significant new creations or inventions to allow you tremendous more expansion which will include more space travel which will expand your horizons in discovering other beings in your universe. Now this is a tremendous potential and it is directly associated with this shift and the process of this shift and in this as a hypothetical example it would be creating difficulty and perhaps even potential for tremendous trauma if an individual from the future were to insert themself in this time framework and gain attention and rise up in a manner of speaking to alter what you are collectively creating now to move yourselves into that new discovery. It would rob you of your own potentials, your own discoveries and it would cheat the time framework.

JEREMY: Who are most time travelers in our present time frame or previous are probably more like tourists, is that what you're saying? Or if in a way of being in guise or disguised and keeping a low key, not tourists as far as gaining attention but just here to see the scenes.

ELIAS: Yes you are correct. And I would express that at times individuals have encountered them and have seen them and they incorporate those encounters in their beliefs and their perception as angels.

JEREMY: Was that guy that me and my mom, which this could be just another homeless guy, but me and my mom and my sister went to McDonald's and got a bunch of free food for him, was he a time traveler? Because my mom and sister are so convinced that he was an angel.


JEREMY: He was a time traveler?


JEREMY: Do I know him? Like I didn't know him at the time but do I know him now?


JEREMY: Does he know me?

ELIAS: Yes he is aware. I would express that they may appear in many many different forms but generally speaking in many time frameworks individuals interpret them as being angels. They are quite solid they are quite real they are quite present. They can guise themselves in many many many different manners. They may appear to be business individuals they may appear to be homeless individuals they may appear to be average but there is a quality that you will notice that is curious, that you cannot entirely explain to yourself and therefore you create the association that the individual is otherworldly so to speak.

JEREMY: So did that guy, at the time of that meeting, did he know me at that time or did he become aware of me afterward, like my identity.

ELIAS: After.

JEREMY: Gotcha.

ELIAS: And there are many reasons individuals may choose to be incorporating this action in curiosity but more so generally speaking they incorporate specific directions so to speak, specific subjects that they are exploring or specific actions that they want to accomplish without disturbing.
In another manner I will express to you as I have many times previously and you are aware, your science fiction is more closely associated with science fact than you know and there are individuals that recognize that some meddling so to speak has occurred and it affects their time framework and they choose to incorporate this action to recreate the original probability.

JEREMY: So they change things, oh, so you're saying they as individuals know that separate individuals create a meddling so they go back to change things back to the way they were before.


JEREMY: Gotcha, interesting. Alright, have I met any future tourist folks other than Mr. Rius and this homeless guy like people who knew me when they approached me?

ELIAS: Not yet.

JEREMY: Not yet, gotcha. So goin' back to this guy to clarify he found out about my identity afterward you said. In what capacity? like 'cause I was a kid back then so I don't know if..

ELIAS: I am understanding but what I would clarify to you; when they encounter other individuals they note that and they will avail themselves of information as to each individual that they encountered.

JEREMY: Ok, so he cataloged me that's how he found out, ok.

ELIAS: Yes. For they do note all of their encounters, this is one of the aspects of being careful.

JEREMY: Gotcha.

ELIAS: To ensure that their actions are not rippling in a manner that will create suggestions or alterations that do not belong in that time framework.

posted here:
Timebridgers & Glass Hour:
session 1642:

FRAN: Anyway, what it brought back was the whole experience I had of meeting you at
Barnes & Noble – my "Bookstore Elias"…


FRAN: …and you were saying that in her [Myranda's] session that, well, I'll
just read it:

"…that has been quite momentarily because it is requiring such a concentration
of energy. But that energy is recognized by other individuals and translated
through their perception, and thusly the individual may project the actual
physical manifestation of my energy and their encounter with that physical
expression may be projected, in your terms, for much longer of a time framework
than I am actually manifesting."

Does that relate to my experience of meeting you in the bookstore?


FRAN: Okay, I've been curious about the mechanics of that. I was with a couple
of other people and I would like to know whether they perceived you as well.


FRAN: They did?


FRAN: But, what were you perceived as, to them?

ELIAS: Merely as another individual.

FRAN: As another… were they seeing the same individual that I was seeing?

ELIAS: Somewhat different.
Arkandin on the Charlie Chaplin Pop In
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:31:46): Arkandin tell us about the time traveller in
the charlie chaplin movie
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:31:53): hahahhahaha
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:32:17): is it a "recent" sts pop in?
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:32:30): this footage within the clip of the

tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:32:31): or a time traveller actually on the movie
set at the time?
Jean-Baptiste DURET (30/10/2010 12:32:47): lol TP

tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:33:34): (I love that it was a circus and Beyond
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:33:45): is in actuality created within
yourselves specifically in order for yourselves to become aware of the
possibility to incorporate the awareness of a time traveller
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:34:05): that within this specific footage the
individual is a pop in
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:34:24): aha! and he popped in recently, as it were,
not in 1928
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:34:32): however, this individual is not on what
you are calling a mobile phone
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:34:32): ?
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:34:38): oh!
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:34:39): but it is similar
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:34:42): what is it?
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:34:48): within technology within your timeframe
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:35:03): as a communication device
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:35:03): so who is he?
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:35:22): with that big E behind him I am thinking
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:35:25): this individual is not actually holding
this device to their ear

arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:35:54): the individual is attempting to
re-establish connecting, experiencing difficulty within the communication
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:36:21): who is he communicating to? oh, us?

arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:37:43): this individual did pop-in within that
time frame
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:38:12): and the identity of the individual? it
looked like a man
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:38:13): and in actuallity more footage will be
discovered not just within the Charlie Chaplin films
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:38:20): but other older films

tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:38:20): oooooh!
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:38:47): for you are becoming more aware of the
reality that is there is no time
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:39:20): so the question of what time did the pop in
pop in is a moot point really
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:39:24): that you may focus your attention upon
a specific time frame and create the ability to project your energy and insert
your focus within that time frame
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:39:53): you are all aware of experiencing
pop-ins however you have not allowed yourself to consider pop-ins throughout
time as you are aware of time
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:40:06): ah good point
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:40:09): the individual is not Elias
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:40:16): anyone we know?
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:40:20): however there is some connection with
that energy
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:40:25): ah
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:40:47): indeed this is a male energy
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:40:54): whats the difference then between a time
traveller and a pop in?
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:41:34): is a pop in a non physical energy and a time
traveller a focus popping in?
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:41:36): the time frame that this energy
projected to was from 2107
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:41:47): wow! interesting!
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:42:09): indeed a pop-in is non physical
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:42:35): will often incorporate projecting their
energy through another physical energy within that time frame
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:42:59): speaking of pop ins, was the guy in the
bright orange suit in the busy metro in Paris, just after Dawn and Mark left us,
another Patel pop in?
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:43:03): time traveller will shift his energy or
their energy to be physically incorporated within that time frame
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:43:24): ok! thanks
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:43:42): there are times that a pop-in has an
appearance that is not quite complete so to speak
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:44:45): yes this was indeed PAtel
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:45:02): I dont even know why I asked, it was pretty
obvious! I love that
Jean-Baptiste DURET (30/10/2010 12:45:04): (nice )
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:45:12): haha
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:45:25): can everyone in the metro see that pop in,
awan_dawn (30/10/2010 12:45:28): only for you though T
awan_dawn (30/10/2010 12:45:38): no one else saw him
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:45:38): Jib and Eric didn't see him

Jean-Baptiste DURET (30/10/2010 12:46:19): I confirm we didn't see him
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:46:22): as a time traveller being physical then
they are able to make themselves be aware to all the energies that are
incorporated within that specific time frame

arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:46:36): as a pop-in generally the awareness is
to self only
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:47:24): there are times where there are
specific individuals within your awareness to you that there is a connection to
the pop=in then these other energies are also aware of the pop-in
awan_dawn (30/10/2010 12:47:37): as when you pop-in and Elain/Brian saw you
tjmarshall57 (30/10/2010 12:47:56): Jib saw the other Patel pop in
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:48:02): within this movie clip all energies are
able to view this energy as a time traveller
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:48:30): however of course in alignment with
your beliefs you may translate this imagery as you so choose
arkandin_arkandin (30/10/2010 12:48:31): hahahhaa

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