Sunday 9 December 2012

Secrets of the Ancients ~ Kris part 1

Kris/Brahm: As the title for this evening implies, "The Secrets of the Ancients," we will be discussing a variety of perspectives of more ancient cultures as well as various technologies and perhaps delve into the very subject matter and topic of "ancient" and what that may mean. And to your immediate eyes, quite certainly images and ideas of old civilizations and cultures have already made themselves known to you, giving you a mild hint of some of the subject matter to be discussed, perhaps even in more than one evening.
As you may or may not be aware, your world and civilization [that] you participate [in] and help create is definitely not the first or the only civilization to cultivate technologies in the ways that you have and your civilization is not the first and by this we also take into consideration what you take to mean older civilizations. Perhaps you make a mental reference to the ancient Greeks and the Romans, the Egyptians, Assyrians, Acadians, Sumerians, Babylonians, perhaps you even take into consideration the ancient civilization of the Hindus Valley, Bharata, the Vedas, etc.
But it may even surprise you that your planet has seen a far greater number of civilizations come and go than your historians would ever admit to, and many of these various very older civilizations have left artifacts, some small and some not so small, in various parts of the world. And in many areas new discoveries are constantly coming to the light of study. Many of these ancient cultures have had their own versions of technological achievements, some that even surpassed your own present culture, even though some of these older, ancient civilizations have been without expression for many thousands of years.
And many of the artifacts and findings from these older cultures are not yet understood so they lie in the bottom of drawers in many museum basements, sometimes in the homes of collectors of ancient artifacts in private collections, and many still are undiscovered awaiting a sufficiently enlightened culture for them to be re-discovered in a manner of speaking. You think, for instance, that it is only your civilization that has discovered X-rays, lenses, dental work in the manner of your modern dentists and dentistry, surgery, electricity, mathematics, and so on.
And yet there are many such discoveries being made concerning the items mentioned and many more that pre-date your present culture by sometimes as much as three, four and five thousand years, which would indicate, in a manner of speaking, that those ancient artifacts and tools also took a long time to develop, as long as your own present modern tools have taken a long time to develop, which implies that some of these older civilizations had been working on these instruments for quite some time in the development of THEIR history.
And as we have mentioned in the past, it is often difficult for modern historians, archeologists and other scientifics to allow that some of these tools and instruments predate your own similar inventions by several thousands of years as if up to a certain point in ancient history these items are not supposed to be where they are. And since these bits of evidence and facts do not necessarily fit in the theories, they are assigned to those older historical periods. They are often relegated to ‘file 13’, or labeled as something else, or sometimes either destroyed, or there is a consensus to say that nothing exists, in spite of certain evidence.
And we mention these things because each of you listening in on this session or reading this transcript, as well as many others who may not be physically present at all, have participated in one way or another in these older displays of achievements and civilizations with many of you continuing the exploration in different circumstances and conditions within this lifetime. But above and beyond this we also wish to mention that for what many of you consider superstitions, myths, tall tales from older cultures of an apparent time when things were more MAGICAL, so to speak. Of a time when, from your perspectives, it is sometimes considered that these older cultures did not understand science as you know it today.
We do wish to mention that there indeed have been many periods where what you would call ancient civilizations functioned on an entirely different base of knowledge and information, where completely different understanding of physics as you know them were quite acceptable in such terms even that some of these would make no sense to you today, because you are accustomed to one specific mindset, whether it is global or localized. And even your notions of ancient cultures, ancient civilizations is slightly biased and prejudiced in perceptions with your modern worldviews and official line of consciousness.
Now we are not saying that everything, every old story and myth was necessarily true in the terms you understand it from your modern perspective, but many of these old ancient legends and stories indeed made a great deal of sense to those who operated within the parameters of these other times. And to you, it may seem that your age of scientific enlightenment and discovery is so far the greatest achievements of all civilizations; yet your age of scientific exploration and discovery, from our perspective is another kind of experiment or exploration, utilizing a different set of mental physics and rules, molding and shaping your perceptions within given sets of parameters quite unlike other civilizations that you would normally qualify as being in the past, since you see yourself as the future of these older cultures and civilizations.
But that is, again, only a perception and we believe it is important to explore and keep this in mind when looking at any other civilization that you automatically assume exists in the past, as it were. And you also keep in mind that perhaps a thousand, five thousand, ten thousand years into the future as it were, your entire sets of achievements and discoveries may themselves be classified perhaps in the same light as YOUR present perspective classifies the differences, the discoveries and the achievements of your ancestral foundations in that way.
And herein lays one of the keys. You may give some due consideration to the idea that you work with beliefs. Your life, your reality, your physical realm is the by-product of your collective and singular beliefs, but you need to develop an appreciation for the temporal nature of your journey through time and space. The ancient Vedics called material nature the illusion of Maya, or simply illusory nature, meaning simply that it is temporal, and not permanent... Non-temporal.
What IS truly non-temporal is the knowledge that it is your combined singular and collective point of concentration that generates a specific model and version of physical reality with all of its pros and cons as a conscious, mindful and deliberate experimentation on one type of line of consciousness. And in your view, it is referred to as the official line of consciousness; but even this is temporal. But within the temporal nature of this experimentation, there are hints, indeed, of things, for lack of a better word, that transcend the temporal nature of the world.
You are already aware of color as one of those intrinsic, eternal truths. We have some time ago hinted that there is another. We referred to it as
soundlets. And in your reality this is expressed as various kinds of sounds, and quite specifically, musical sounds which, in terms of music, is something that is found within all cultures presently or anciently. And this is why in some respects; human beings enjoy expressing themselves through music to such a degree. (Pause) Not only in your present civilization, but all your past civilizations as well, and it will continue into what you can only surmise as being the development of future civilizations.
Now, as we have hinted at earlier, there is a very specific collective mindset within your civilization and this is one of the other keys that will be explored as the evening develops. What you can truly refer to as "ancients" have always understood. They speak of knowledge that collectives come together with a specific mindset, a collective purpose that is related to another discussion of ours from previous weeks in terms having access to your
many minds and intelligences.
And just as on your biosphere, on your planet, remnants of ancient cultures are found stratified in different layers of soil, so do you have many different layers of minds and intelligences all operating very nicely and congruently within your own psyches, layered and laid out in such a fashion that it is possible, with practice, with determination and patience, to actually explore those inner domains, those inner layers of intelligences and inner civilizations within your own psyches. This is something that can be explored, but will not work for you if you expect that within the next five minutes you will gain access.
Another intrinsic proof that pierces the temporal nature of your physical world is dreams and dream states. All human beings, past, present and future, to one degree or another, must sleep and must dream for a variety of reasons. And dream states can be developed and utilized even from the waking perspective for extraordinary explorations and the cultivation of knowledge. And we must be clear here: we make a marked distinction between the gathering of information, information the likes of which is in clear abundance at all levels of your present society, sometimes merely for the sake of information itself. We do not consider this to be knowledge. You may know a thing, you may have knowledge of a thing, but it may not mean that you HAVE knowledge.
And then there are two distinctions of knowledge. There is knowledge that is akin to the types of information that permeates your modern society, the kind of knowledge cultivated with the mindset of the ancient Greeks, knowledge about the temporal manifestations of the world, which is a fine species of knowledge all on its own.
There is also another clearly distinct type of knowledge also often considered a worthy pursuit by the ancient Greeks and many of the older civilizations before them; This, a more wide-spread type of knowledge, and a more ancient one, which is called "knowledge of SELF", "SELF" all in capital letters, which must include the type of knowledge that distinguishes itself with temporal affairs and mere information for the sake of information.
It integrates these two within its matrix because it is part of the pursuit of SELF-knowledge, because it is created by SELF. When a society becomes fixated on the accumulation of information and makes that it’s base of knowledge only and loses sight of that which creates the information, then your society is to a certain degree, diminished. It loses touch with its own essential nature which transcends the temporal attributes information and the knowledge of things and how things work.

So our tendency is to affiliate with SELF-KNOWLEDGE. This is also an extremely important foundational truth and cannot be arrived at merely through the accumulation of information or the knowledge of things and how things work. This type of self-knowledge has fueled and motivated many of the greater civilizations, many of which have come and gone, but the knowledge of which is still embedded within your own psyche, your own selves.

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