Sunday 9 December 2012

Secrets of the Ancients part 2

BRAHM: All of the ancient cultures that you are aware of and so many others that you may never historically know of, all of which you would consider ancient cultures and civilizations, all have another trait in common: their utilization of, and even their reverence of, working with dreams in one way or another. Even of the ancient cultures that you are aware of whose remnants you can still find and read about, all of these that you may sometimes casually refer to as somewhat primitive, held dreams in high esteem indeed.
Does this mean because your own culture may consider dreams as a pathological safety valve of some kind, that those ancient cultures that worked with their dreams and did not understand the pathologies involved must have been primitive indeed to be so gullible as to think they could have gotten messages from the Gods and Goddesses in those dreams; that they would have set up temples to explore and research and make use of dreams that they would have set up philosophies about them? Indeed, it may seem that some of your historical ancestors in that sense might have been somewhat less cultured and civilized than yourselves. And we believe that in that vein, this may be a very accurate depiction, correct?
Our contention, as humble as it is, may indeed reflect the opposite. This does not mean that ancient cultures and civilizations had streets filled with Saints and enlightened individuals. On the contrary, they had their own challenges, as you do, but the one aspect of over a third of their existence is not considered a source of innate danger. This occurs in YOUR present culture and civilization and if you notice, your own civilization has its fair share of challenges, many of which can be considered pathological and even psychotic, correct?
Now we are not speaking about choices and preferences at all in this observation. We are merely making an observation about the state of your culture and civilization, and we are making a direct link with this in line with your culture's discounting and denigration of dream work, dream research, dream exploration as it stands. Does this make sense to you?
We also are aware that many of the therapies offered in your culture, psychotherapy, psychology, psychoanalysis, psychiatry and so on and so forth, to one small degree make use of dreams with advice for patients, but the perspective is that often the therapist hopes to find in his or her client’s or patient’s dreams, clues to that patient's psychosis as opposed to the clues that reveal the healing and nurturing that this individual is working through and sorting out. Does this also make sense?
We are offering to you that the very basic assumption that your dreams are also as valid as any activity, subjective or objective on your part, is as valid as anything else that you undertake, any other action and that the dream atmosphere itself can be highly revelatory to your understanding of selfhood and may even assist you in discovering more than you have ever believed possible before. We believe it was last summer when Kris presented material on Idea-Atmospheres and Idea-Complexes. Is this correct?
MARK: Yes.
BRAHM: Indeed then. Understand that so far your perspective has been that the world, for example, is the result of a concept. However, your own personalities and that which gives birth to that personality is itself an idea atmosphere and you, all of you lovely selves, are representations of various idea complexes and you work out a large part of your understandings through dream states. This is where, in the dream state, this is where you can truly get to know yourselves in a far wider perspective than your own focus as Expression of Essence. And that original idea atmosphere, where you have your own Being, is directly linked to your dream states. Does this make sense?
The ancient Greeks fashioned some of their views upon ancient Egyptian methodologies. Both cultures had an understanding that the Gods and Goddesses communicated with mortals, with the individual, more often than not through the venues of the individual's dreams. Messages and communiqués were exchanged through dreams. These ancient folks also had an innate understanding of symbolism. Compared to your modern perspective, it seems that these ancient cultures were truly superstitious, imbued with religiality since they had so many Gods and Goddesses, Demi-Gods, and so on and so forth, as did the ancient Vedics.
That is only from your prejudiced perspective. It is quite possible that these ancient folks, these ancient people, had an understanding that particular Gods and Goddesses represented unique aspects of life and aspects of their own selves, something that your present culture seems to have misplaced and interpreted in a different fashion. However, these ancient cultures had specific temples dedicated to the communications from the deities to the individuals.
And those in specific need entered those temples for the purpose of communicating more directly with the deities, or if you prefer, their inner selves, in such a manner that those stewards of those temples, often referred to as priests or priestesses, would work with the individuals, utilizing auto-suggestion and other tools at their disposal to entice the individual to open their minds in such a manner that communications through dreams would become very clear, though it revealed to the individual that which they need to know, even to the healing of the physical body when there was need for it.
And such temples and resources were quite common throughout that part of the ancient world. Your present culture has no such equivalent, for many in your culture believe, if anything, dreams are something to pre-occupy the brain when you sleep, perhaps as a means to keep from going insane. But you could learn a tremendous amount of information by establishing or re-establishing similar centers in your present culture. Now we are not saying that you must now go and open up healing dream centers throughout the world!

But you may begin by creating that kind of a sanctum within your own Source, within your own subjective awareness, giving yourselves certain suggestions that may indeed lead to deeper understandings of yourselves. Now the last suggestion concerning the Bridge of Aaronii is one such tool, but after break we would like to describe more tools that you may use quite practically and from there see that your own perspectives are indeed widening by and because of your own self-discoveries. Does this make sense?

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